A beautiful transformation

Motherhood is a remarkable journey filled with love and joy. However, the physical changes accompanying pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding can take a toll on a woman's body. At Northern Jersey Plastic Surgery Center, we understand the unique concerns of mothers and offer a transformative mommy makeover in Englewood, NJ. Under the expert guidance of Dr. Troy Callahan, we help mothers regain their confidence and enjoy the body they desire.

What is a mommy makeover?

A Mommy Makeover is a customized combination of surgical procedures designed to address the common aesthetic concerns experienced by women after pregnancy and breastfeeding. It typically includes a variety of breast enhancement, abdominal contouring, and body sculpting procedures tailored to the unique needs and goals of the individual.

Common surgeries included in a Mommy Makeover are:

  • Breast augmentation: This procedure helps restore lost volume and shape to the breasts. Breast augmentation involves the placement of silicone or saline implants to achieve a fuller, more proportionate bust.
  • Breast lift: A breast lift procedure lifts and reshapes sagging breasts, addressing concerns such as droopiness and loss of firmness. It repositions the breasts to a more youthful position, restoring their natural contour.
  • Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty): A tummy tuck removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen while tightening the underlying muscles. It addresses stretched abdominal muscles and sagging skin, resulting in a flatter, firmer midsection.
  • Liposuction: Liposuction can remove stubborn pockets of fat resistant to diet and exercise. It can be performed on various body areas, including the hips, thighs, abdomen, and arms, to enhance overall body contour.
  • Body lift: For some patients who have experienced significant weight loss, a body lift procedure may be included in their Mommy Makeover. It involves the removal of excess skin and tissue from multiple areas, creating a more toned and youthful body shape.
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Mommy Makeover Before & After


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A personalized transformation – The mommy makeover surgery

A Mommy Makeover is a highly personalized procedure tailored to each patient's needs and goals. During your initial consultation, Dr. Troy Callahan will carefully evaluate your aesthetic body concerns, discuss your desired outcomes, and recommend the most appropriate procedures to help you achieve your personal goals for your figure. The custom surgical plan will be customized to address your unique concerns, considering the extent of correction needed, your overall health, and your lifestyle. Dr. Callahan will guide you through the entire process, explaining the details of each procedure and answering any questions to ensure you are well informed and comfortable with your decisions.

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Transform your figure with a Mommy Makeover

Here are some of the Mommy Makeover benefits:

  • Restoring confidence: Pregnancy and childbirth can have a significant impact on a woman's body, leading to changes such as sagging breasts, excess abdominal skin, and stubborn fat deposits. A Mommy Makeover can help restore your pre-pregnancy body and enhance your confidence.
  • Customized transformation: Every Mommy Makeover is tailored to your needs and goals. You can address the specific areas of concern and combine procedures to provide the most comprehensive and personalized transformation.
  • Efficient and cost-effective: A Mommy Makeover allows you to combine multiple procedures into a single surgical session, reducing overall downtime and costs compared to undergoing individual procedures separately.
  • Long-lasting results: The results of a Mommy Makeover can be long-lasting when combined with a healthy lifestyle. By maintaining a stable weight and adopting a regular exercise routine, you can enjoy the benefits of your transformed body for years to come.

Motherhood is a beautiful journey but can be hard on the female body. At Northern Jersey Plastic Surgery Center, we support and guide you on your path to restoring your confidence and a beautiful transformation. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Troy Callahan and take the first step toward reclaiming your pre-pregnancy body and enhancing your self-image. We are happy to service patients in Hackensack, Englewood, and surrounding areas.

State-of-the-art facilities in Englewood, NJ

Our practice is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and a comfortable environment designed to provide the highest standards of care. We prioritize your safety, comfort, and privacy, ensuring your mommy makeover in Englewood is positive and rewarding.

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