What is an arm lift?

An arm lift is a custom surgery designed to reshape and contour the upper arms. Whether you've experienced significant weight loss or are unhappy with the appearance of sagging skin and fat on your upper arms, an arm lift in Englewood restores a firmer, more sculpted appearance. Because the incisions are usually hidden along the inner arm, patients can wear sleeveless clothing while the scars are out of view. At Northern Jersey Plastic Surgery Center, under the expert guidance of Dr. Troy Callahan, our esteemed Chief of Plastic Surgery at Englewood Health, we specialize in arm lift procedures, providing personalized care and exceptional results.

Arm lift procedure details

The surgical process begins with administering anesthesia to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure. Dr. Callahan will then make incisions along the inner side of your arms, strategically placed to be inconspicuous. In a mini-arm lift, the incisions may be placed in the underarm. Excess skin and fat are carefully removed, and underlying tissues are tightened and reshaped to achieve a sculpted arm appearance. The incisions are then meticulously closed. 

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What is the recovery after an arm lift?

After an arm lift, it is normal to experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the treated area. Dr. Troy Callahan will provide detailed post-operative instructions to ensure a smooth recovery, which includes wearing compression garments to speed the healing process and minimize swelling. It is essential to follow all post-operative guidelines provided by Dr. Callahan, including avoiding strenuous activities and lifting heavy objects for a specified period.

As your body heals, you will begin to see the transformative results of your arm lift in Englewood. Your arms will appear more sculpted, free from the drooping skin and tissue. While individual recovery experiences may vary, most patients can return to normal activities within a few weeks, with the arms continuing to refine over time and scars fading.

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Why choose Northern Jersey Plastic Surgery for an arm lift?

Our founder, Dr. Troy Callahan, is a consummate professional serving as Englewood Health's Chief of Plastic Surgery. He brings years of experience and specialized knowledge in arm lift procedures, and his expertise and attention to detail ensure exceptional results. From your initial consultation to post-operative care, we provide comprehensive support and guidance throughout your entire arm lift journey. Our compassionate team will be there for you, addressing any questions or concerns and ensuring your comfort and well-being.

Northern Jersey Plastic Surgery Center's new facility is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and offers a patient-centered, serene environment. We prioritize your safety, comfort, and privacy throughout your arm lift experience in Englewood, NJ.

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What can an arm lift do for my look?

Improved arm contour

An arm lift can effectively address excess, loose, or sagging skin on the upper arms, creating a more toned and sculpted arm contour.

Enhanced confidence

By removing excess skin and improving arm definition, an arm lift can significantly boost your body confidence, helping you feel more comfortable and confident in sleeveless or fitted clothing.

Sculpted arms

Well-toned and sculpted arms look lovely in sleeveless tops, swimsuits, and other revealing garments.

Long-lasting results

The results are long-lasting with proper aftercare and a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining a stable weight and following a balanced diet and exercise regimen can help preserve the improvements achieved through the procedure.

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Transform your arms with an arm lift

If you want to achieve more toned and sculpted arms, an arm lift may be the ideal solution. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Troy Callahan at Northern Jersey Plastic Surgery Center. Let us be your trusted partner in your arm transformation journey, helping you embrace confidence and achieve your aesthetic goals.

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